Boronia Boronia Megastigma Heavan Scent

Boronia Boronia Megastigma Heavan Scent


Boronia megastigma, known as “Heaven Scent”, is a fragrant shrub native to Australia. It bears pink bell-shaped flowers with a strong, delightful aroma, making it a prized garden addition.

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Dense small shrub, which is a compact form of Brown Boronia- Boronia megastigma. This is an outstanding cut flower plant with delightful perfume. Prune straight after flowering. Needs a well drained slightly acid soil and can be short lived, but worth using as a potted plant for the wonderful scent while in bloom. Best in part shade, lightly dappled shade is perfect, also needs shelter from wind. Keep the soil moist but it dislikes being too wet. It likes a cool undisturbed root run, so some mulch is beneficial, and some rocks or a couple of bricks on the soil surface help too.
Height: 0.8m
Climate: Sun to light shade


0.8 m


Sun to light shade

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