Monkey Tail (Senecio radicans), also known as String of Bananas, is a charming succulent valued for its trailing stems that resemble a monkey’s tail, adorned with clusters of small, banana-shaped leaves. Native to South Africa, this succulent thrives in well-drained soil and bright, indirect light. It produces tiny, tubular flowers that range in color from white to pinkish-purple, adding seasonal interest. Monkey Tail is popular for hanging baskets, where its cascading growth habit creates a graceful display. Easy to care for and drought-tolerant, it brings a touch of whimsy and natural beauty to indoor and outdoor spaces alike.
Monkey Tail
$12.99 – $64.99
A distinctive succulent with long, trailing stems resembling a monkey’s tail, adorned with dense clusters of tiny, colorful flowers, ideal for hanging baskets and containers.
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